PowerReply helps to increase the response rate and response time of your stores.
Step 1: Login to PowerSell here.
Step 2: On the left side of the main dashboard, click on Chat Automation.
Step 3: Set up your “Power Welcome” by inputting the message in the box – the automatic greeting message which will be sent to your buyers when they start their first conversation in a day. After that, click Save.
- “Power Welcome” can only be sent once a day.
- PowerReply will not work without setting “PowerWelcome”.
Step 4: You can configure up to 5 automatic replying messages corresponding to 5 new messages from buyers after the “Power Welcome” has been sent, which are called “24H reply”(optional).
Similarly, input the message(s) in the box to set up your “24H reply” messages and then click Save.
- When they’ve been all sent, the system would resend from the first message and keep going on until the end of that day.
- “24H reply” will not be sent if you haven’t set up “Power Welcome”.
Step 5: Go to the “Configurations” tab and select the stores that you want to apply PowerReply to by switching the button on “PowerReply” column:
- Blue: enable PowerReply messages.
- Grey: disable PowerReply messages.
OPTIONAL: You can also create a list of quick replies to your buyers at the “Power Templates” section, which will help to save your time during the conversations.
After inputting the messages, select to apply to all your shops or only particular shops by clicking on the corresponding buttons. For particular shops, you need to search and select those shops from the nearby search box.
And don’t forget to click on the “Refresh” button on PowerSell Pro so that the list of Quick reply can be displayed as following: